My Mission Is You

I’m Jeffrie Ortiz, founder of Mental Mastery and your guide to becoming the greatest version of yourself!

In the world today, many people continue to wish and hope for their lives to change without taking action. Understand that without action, wishes and hopes remain unfulfilled—a universal law that transcends time and circumstance.

I built this website to share what I’ve learned on my journey to becoming the best individual I can be in every area. It’s my mission to help you succeed and master your mind so you can master your life.

From Homeless to Abundant, How I Turned My Struggle Into Success

I'm going to share with you the one thing that changed my life forever, the one thing that gave me everything I ever asked for! It wasn't some new skillset or more money to invest with. It was my own intuition, my own inner guidance!

You see, pain can be a great motivator at first because it forces you to address your situation. Too many people are running away from pain when they should be running towards it. It's only when we are uncomfortable with our situation that we decide to take necessary, immediate action.

However, pain can blind us from our own power - our ability to lead ourselves to our dreams and goals. It was only when my back was against the wall, all alone, sleeping in a quiet office, willing to do whatever it took to make my dreams a reality, that I could finally hear my intuition!

It guided me to Los Angeles. I was still alone and broke, but to make it worse, I was sleeping in a car rental in front of a beach. Yet, I could hear my intuition loud and clear, and it revealed to me the secret to success - the secret I've been searching for my whole life!!!


The fact is, our thoughts and emotions create our reality. Life is not as it is, life is as we are. So when I focused on everything I did not have, everything that made me feel guilt, shame and anger, I was broke. But when I focused on my daily progress, the fact that I was alive and in perfect health, I felt grateful therefore I became abundant!

But believe it or not, there’s a simple, proven method for removing those mental blocks and helping you live an abundant and fulfilling life. It isn’t complicated but it is hard for most people to apply CONSISTENTLY in their life.

If you don’t know me already I’m Jeffrie Ortiz, the founder of Mental Mastery.

At Mental Mastery, I help high achievers realize their potential by learning how to use their intuition to reveal the path to walk on. I do this by assessing your natural talents and abilities, aligning them with what brings you the most excitement and fulfillment in life, utilizing the emotional vibration chart as a reference to create a plan of action that matches your best version of self and desired lifestyle.

These are just a few clients who embraced the step-by-step process, applied it to their lives, and embodied the teachings, ultimately committing to allowing their intuition to guide them to their highest potential.

Mental Mastery isn't just a brand; it's a lifestyle founded on Universal principles and a Greater Purpose.

Every choice you make either builds you up or brings you down! Choose the right option!

Now, the decision is yours to make.

My mission is to provide unwavering support to help you realize your fullest potential.